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How Board Members Can Learn to Spot the Red Flags

If you are a member of the board of a nonprofit with red flags flying,…

Depreciate Your Way to a Healthier Nonprofit

Depreciation is seldom given the respect it deserves. For many who are first encountering the…

Busting the Nonprofit Overhead Myth Starts With You

The percent of charity expenses that go to administrative and fundraising costs—commonly referred to as…

How One Cookie Can Change Your Whole Business Model

By the end of the story the mouse is hungry again and wants another cookie….

A Nano- Micro- Mini- Nonprofit MBA (Course 1)

In a series of blog posts, we will provide a Nano- Micro- Mini- Nonprofit MBA.

Sustainability – Not a Myth, but Not What You May Think

Do great work, make the business work, adapt and change. Repeat.

Breaking down the Biggest Barrier to Nonprofit Financial Health

What’s the biggest barrier to strong capital structures for nonprofits? Breakeven budgeting.

When Is a Deficit OK?

Deficits are either strategic or accidental. Learn how to tell the difference.

Making Your Business Model Work: Applying a Break-Even Analysis

Every nonprofit business model has unique business model drivers.