Transforming Business Models
Join us to learn the four core components of a nonprofit business model – revenue mix, understanding the cost of programs, infrastructure, and capital structure – and explore how all these components connect to mission and your organization’s financial health.
Building an Effective CEO + Board Chair Partnership
We recommend the nonprofit’s executive director and board chair attend this session together to explore their critical relationship and to discuss how they will support each other in leading their organization to success.
Fundamentals of Nonprofit Finance
This workshop is right for you if you are new to the nonprofit sector, nonprofit finance, or your position as staff or board member.
Fundamentals of Nonprofit Budgeting
Learn to use budgeting as another tool for you to tell the story of your organization’s plans, priorities, and aspirations. Propel’s 10-step budgeting process will also highlight ways to engage your board as well as staff across the organization.
Treasurer/Finance Committee: Right People, Right Roles
This session is geared toward helping new treasurers and finance committee members (or current ones looking for a refresher) be successful in their role. We will cover tools and practices that can help board treasurers develop finance skills, ask strategic financial questions, lead board development in finance, and keep the numbers connected to the mission.
Fundamentals of Nonprofit Board Governance
While this training is open to all, it is designed for those new to serving on a board or those who are contemplating joining a board.
Strategy, Planning, and Outcomes: Bridging your strategy work with ground level impacts
Join us to explore the connections between organizational strategy and service impacts. You will walk away from this webinar with an understanding of the nine gears of effective nonprofits, strategy planning frameworks, and the practical application of outcomes development.
Fundamentals of Nonprofit Finance
This workshop is right for you if you are new to the nonprofit sector, nonprofit finance, or your position as staff or board member.