
Nonprofits Are Not Broken Businesses
Kate Barr makes the case that nonprofits are not broken businesses.

Budget for the Organization You Want to Be
Nonprofits need to budget for the organization they want to be. In Kate Barr’s latest…

When Leadership Means Stepping Back
Sometimes leadership can mean stepping back as board chair. Here are six helpful questions to…

Looking for New Board Members? Don’t Start (Or Stop) at Recruitment.
If you’re recruiting nonprofit board members, think beyond outreach. Are you prepared to fully welcome…

8 Trends in the Nonprofit Sector
Kate Barr, President & CEO of Propel Nonprofits, discusses eight trends facing the nonprofit sector…

Do You Equip Your Board for Financial Strategy?
Give your board cake, not a bowl of batter. Read Kate Barr’s blog on what…

Help! I’ve Been Elected Board Treasurer
The role of nonprofit board treasurer is about more than ensuring compliance and approving budgets;…

What Makes a Good Executive Director/CEO + Board Chair Relationship?
Glyn Northington is the board chair of Grantmakers in the Arts. He and Eddie Torres,…

Let’s Have Better Board Meetings
Don’t underestimate the power of a great, well-led meeting to change the world…one room at…