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Budget for the Organization You Want to Be

Nonprofits need to budget for the organization they want to be. In Kate Barr’s latest…

This Fundraising Season, Are You Mining or Gardening?

This harvest season, be prepared for the plant that’s still putting down roots, thank all…

8 Trends in the Nonprofit Sector

Kate Barr, President & CEO of Propel Nonprofits, discusses eight trends facing the nonprofit sector…

Survey Says: 2018 Minnesota Nonprofit CFO Survey Highlights, Trends

Kate Barr of Propel Nonprofits discusses interesting findings and sector trends to watch from the…

Honoring the Extraordinary Efforts of Human Beings: Furthering the Case for Core Mission Support

When program aspirations often outpace our resources, it takes a toll on staff. When you…

Get Your Ducks in a Row. Now, if Possible.

Whether you just went through a big change or sense change on the horizon, now…

How and When to Leave a Job You Love

When Big Ideas Won’t Leave You Alone Sometimes, your dream gets bigger than your dream…

7 Things We’ve Learned After 10 Social Enterprise Cohorts

When done well and in-line with your mission, social enterprise can be a wonderful earned…

Innovate to Thrive

To be innovative, you need to constantly “get on the balcony” to spot ongoing problems…