COVID-19 Recovery Grants for Nonprofits

Propel Nonprofits is honored to support the 20 organizations listed below in their response to and recovery from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including resulting financial impacts on operations and effects on communities served. These grants support nonprofits and fiscally sponsored organizations led by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and serving BIPOC communities, with an organizational budget size between $100,000 and $2 million, and that have been in operation a minimum of 1 year. Grants awarded are general operating funds; benefit organizations across various fields of service; and benefit culturally specific and historically underserved communities.
A bit about our group of grantees:
- We are giving to organizations founded everywhere between 1966 and 2017
- We are supporting nonprofits across the state: six organizations based in and serving Greater Minnesota communities; 14 orgs based in and serving the Twin Cities/7-county Metro Area
- As designed to lean into supporting smaller-budget nonprofits, we are making grants to 16 organizations with budgets under $500,000 and four organizations with budgets over $500,000
- We received over 150 applications and 13% were funded
Here is the full list of Propel’s COVID-19 Recovery Grants for Nonprofits grantees:
- African Community Senior Services
- Afro American Development Association
- Al-Maa’uun
- Bhutanese Community Organization of Minnesota
- Center for Hmong Arts and Talent
- Connections to Independence
- Dakota Wicohan
- Free Clinic of Steele County
- Hispanic Outreach of Goodhue County
- Immigrant Development Center
- Manidoo Ogitigaan
- Neighborhood Youth Academy
- New American Development Center
- Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment
- Rosy Simas Dance
- Sabathani Community Center
- Teatro del Pueblo
- Transforming Generations
- Vietnamese Social Services of Minnesota
We want to thank all the organizations who took the time to apply. To those we had to decline, our decision is not a reflection on the value of your work or the importance of your mission in the community. We thank you for your commitment to community and your efforts to respond at this extraordinary time.
Propel’s COVID-19 Recovery Grants for Nonprofits are made possible with funding from the Minnesota Disaster Recovery Fund (MDRF), created by the Minnesota Council on Foundations and Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation to support community needs as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.