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Restricted Funds Primer Video

Propel Nonprofits video about how to record, report, and effectively manage restricted funds with our Managing Restricted Funds resource.

Reserves Primer Video

Propel Nonprofits video helps you learn more about reserves, in combination with our Nonprofit Operating Reserves and Policy Examples resource.

Financial Information and Your Board Primer Video

Propel Nonprofits video to help the board understand the organization’s financial situation to make informed decisions and provide strategic leadership.

Depreciation Primer Video

Propel Nonprofits video about depreciation, which can be confusing but is an accounting concept we can all understand.

Cost Allocation Primer Video

Propel Nonprofits video about cost allocation explores how to determine and allocate costs such as for staff, property and equipment,…

Cash Flow Primer Video

Propel Nonprofits video about cash flow to help you better understand the ebbs and flows of your organization’s cash.