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Free to Be You and Me: A Financial Story

Don’t try to silo the person you are from the financial leader you are becoming. …

Getting Past Simple Answers

If we in the nonprofit sector want to bust the overhead myth and bring attention…

What Has Stalled Implementation of the Minnesota Pay for Performance Bond Pilot?

If the services that are delivered do not achieve the intended outcomes, who will bear…

From Data to Impact… and Beyond!

As nonprofits, it is our responsibility to tell our stories more completely, including these qualitative…

Getting Past the Overhead Ratio

If we in the nonprofit sector want to bust the overhead myth and bring attention…

Social Enterprise COULD Be Your Next Step

Social enterprise COULD be a next step for your organization – but is also might…

Finance That Imitates Program

Well-structured financial systems amplify our mission effectiveness because they are designed around and in support…

Lessons Learned in Minnesota’s Stalled Pay-For-Performance Financing Initiative

This report examines why Minnesota has failed to issue the appropriation bonds authorized in the…

The “S” Word: In Pursuit of Sustainability

Pursuing sustainability is an approach to leading an organization that incorporates and accepts uncertainty and…