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Clear the Fuzzy Thinking about Nonprofit Reserves

The first step in developing useful nonprofit reserves is to clear the fuzzy thinking and…

Are You a Mission Cruncher?

The real purpose of excellence in financial management is to take a mission and make…

Mind the Gap: True Program Costs

The gap between funding and true costs is one of four top financial challenges for…

Déjà Vu All Over Again: Nonprofit Survey Results

One recurring message has been nonprofits reporting that the demand for their services exceeds their…

It’s Never About the Donuts

I totaled up my work and felt even sicker than before. Then it hit me:…

Want a Nonprofit With Flexibility, Resilience, and Durability? If Only…

The financial strategies that lead to sustainability include funds for current programs and activities, resources…

How Board Members Can Learn to Spot the Red Flags

If you are a member of the board of a nonprofit with red flags flying,…

Depreciate Your Way to a Healthier Nonprofit

Depreciation is seldom given the respect it deserves. For many who are first encountering the…

Busting the Nonprofit Overhead Myth Starts With You

The percent of charity expenses that go to administrative and fundraising costs—commonly referred to as…