Case Studies

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Global Academy

"It's an equity issue. It’s not fair that kids who live half an hour away have the most beautiful facilities and space, and our students are crammed into a strip mall by a bus terminal with no green space."
Helen Fisk, Co-founder & Director, Global Academy

Coalition of Asian American Leaders (CAAL)

"I’m grateful to have multiple layers of expertise, from basic financial reconciling and reporting to the strategizing about how we think about our growth to what we might consider as build financial models to match our strategies – it’s more than we would be able to find one person at this time."
Bo Thao-Urabe, Executive Director, Coalition of Asian American Leaders

Bolder Options

"A relationship that’s deep typically doesn’t get broken. A mentee might give up, but we don’t give up on them."
Darrell Thompson, President, Bolder Options

Minnesota Harvest Initiative

"We were looking for a partner who was in alignment with our mission, as well as to spend a lot less money on administration so we can focus on the people and the events."
Reynolds-Anthony Harris, Founder, Minnesota Harvest Initiative

Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment

"I realized that someone is always telling our stories, so we need to take back the narrative and do it ourselves."
Nausheena Hussain, Executive Director, Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment

Minnesota Indigenous Business Alliance

"We’re looking for the economic model that would work in our community and be healthy for us."
Pamela Standing, Project Director, Minnesota Indigenous Business Alliance


"[Propel Nonprofits is] my fairy godmother business buddy who helps me sleep at night. That’s what they do: they help Executive Directors sleep at night."
Jamie Millard, Executive Director, Pollen

Coffee House Press

"More than many other artform, literature can put you inside the head of a character, someone who is completely different from you."
Chris Fischbach, Coffee House Press

MacRostie Art Center

"There’s value in creativity and creative thinking. In rural areas, that comes through a lot. You have to be creative to make a living in a rural area."
Katie Marshall, MacRostie Art Center