Scenario Budget Planning Template

Contingency planning will help you make informed budget and management decisions. This scenario planning resource will help you think through different possibilities, and then consider the impact on your programs and organization. None are certain, and we know they will change.

The worksheet was developed using income and expense line items frequently used by nonprofit organizations; download and modify to match your organization’s financial situation. In addition to the blank template, you can download and reference an example (file 2) to help you complete your own scenario budget planning template.

View Kate Barr’s free webinar recording for more guidance on how to use this template and think through your own scenario planning.

About Propel

Propel Nonprofits is an intermediary organization and federally certified community development financial institution (CDFI). We provide capacity-building services and access to capital to support nonprofits in achieving their missions including the ability to link strategy, governance, and finance and to support nonprofits throughout their organizational lifecycle.